Francesca Cordero
Associate Professor
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- SSD: INF/01 - informatics

- Computer Science Department
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine and Healthcare
- Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Corso di laurea in Informatica
- Corso di laurea in Scienze Biologiche (L-13)
- Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica
- Laurea magistrale in Biologia dell'Ambiente
- Dottorato in Sistemi Complessi per le Scienze della Vita (fino al ciclo 35) - PhD Programme in Complex Systems for Life Sciences (until 35th cycle)
- PhD in Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine
- PhD in Computer Science
- PhD Programme in Complex Systems for Life Sciences (until 35th cycle)
Research products
All my research productsSelected research products
- Godel M, Morena D, Ananthanarayanan P, Buondonno I, Ferrero G, Hattinger CM, Di Nicolantonio F, Serra M, Taulli R, Cordero F, Riganti C, Kopecka J. (2020) Small Nucleolar RNAs Determine Resistance to Doxorubicin in Human Osteosarcoma. International journal of molecular sciences 21(12) [DOI PMID]
- Mandili G, Follia L, Ferrero G, Katayama H, Hong W, Momin AA, Capello M, Giordano D, Spadi R, Satolli MA, Evangelista A, Hanash SM, Cordero F, Novelli F. (2020) Immune-Complexome Analysis Identifies Immunoglobulin-Bound Biomarkers That Predict the Response to Chemotherapy of Pancreatic Cancer Patients. Cancers 12(3) [DOI PMID]
- Tarallo S, Ferrero G, Gallo G, Francavilla A, Clerico G, Realis Luc A, Manghi P, Thomas AM, Vineis P, Segata N, Pardini B, Naccarati A, Cordero F. (2020) Correction for Tarallo et al., "Altered Fecal Small RNA Profiles in Colorectal Cancer Reflect Gut Microbiome Composition in Stool Samples". mSystems 5(1) [DOI PMID]
- Ferrero G, Licheri N, Coscujuela Tarrero L, De Intinis C, Miano V, Calogero RA, Cordero F, De Bortoli M, Beccuti M. (2019) Docker4Circ: A Framework for the Reproducible Characterization of circRNAs from RNA-Seq Data. International journal of molecular sciences 21(1) [DOI PMID]
- Pernice S, Pennisi M, Romano G, Maglione A, Cutrupi S, Pappalardo F, Balbo G, Beccuti M, Cordero F, Calogero RA. (2019) A computational approach based on the colored Petri net formalism for studying multiple sclerosis. BMC bioinformatics 20(Suppl 6) 623 [DOI PMID]
- Cordero F, Calogero RA, Caselle M. (2019) BITS2018: the fifteenth annual meeting of the Italian Society of Bioinformatics. BMC bioinformatics 20(Suppl 9) 562 [DOI PMID]
- Thomas AM, Manghi P, Asnicar F, Pasolli E, Armanini F, Zolfo M, Beghini F, Manara S, Karcher N, Pozzi C, Gandini S, Serrano D, Tarallo S, Francavilla A, Gallo G, Trompetto M, Ferrero G, Mizutani S, Shiroma H, Shiba S, Shibata T, Yachida S, Yamada T, Wirbel J, Schrotz-King P, Ulrich CM, Brenner H, Arumugam M, Bork P, Zeller G, Cordero F, Dias-Neto E, Setubal JC, Tett A, Pardini B, Rescigno M, Waldron L, Naccarati A, Segata N. (2019) Author Correction: Metagenomic analysis of colorectal cancer datasets identifies cross-cohort microbial diagnostic signatures and a link with choline degradation. Nature medicine 25(12) 1948 [DOI PMID]
- Tarallo S, Ferrero G, Gallo G, Francavilla A, Clerico G, Realis Luc A, Manghi P, Thomas AM, Vineis P, Segata N, Pardini B, Naccarati A, Cordero F. (2019) Altered Fecal Small RNA Profiles in Colorectal Cancer Reflect Gut Microbiome Composition in Stool Samples. mSystems 4(5) [DOI PMID]
- Alessandri L, Cordero F, Beccuti M, Arigoni M, Olivero M, Romano G, Rabellino S, Licheri N, De Libero G, Pace L, Calogero RA. (2019) rCASC: reproducible classification analysis of single-cell sequencing data. GigaScience 8(9) [DOI PMID]
- Thomas AM, Manghi P, Asnicar F, Pasolli E, Armanini F, Zolfo M, Beghini F, Manara S, Karcher N, Pozzi C, Gandini S, Serrano D, Tarallo S, Francavilla A, Gallo G, Trompetto M, Ferrero G, Mizutani S, Shiroma H, Shiba S, Shibata T, Yachida S, Yamada T, Wirbel J, Schrotz-King P, Ulrich CM, Brenner H, Arumugam M, Bork P, Zeller G, Cordero F, Dias-Neto E, Setubal JC, Tett A, Pardini B, Rescigno M, Waldron L, Naccarati A, Segata N. (2019) Metagenomic analysis of colorectal cancer datasets identifies cross-cohort microbial diagnostic signatures and a link with choline degradation. Nature medicine 25(4) 667-678 [DOI PMID]
- Follia L, Ferrero G, Mandili G, Beccuti M, Giordano D, Spadi R, Satolli MA, Evangelista A, Katayama H, Hong W, Momin AA, Capello M, Hanash SM, Novelli F, Cordero F. (2019) Integrative Analysis of Novel Metabolic Subtypes in Pancreatic Cancer Fosters New Prognostic Biomarkers. Frontiers in oncology 9 115 [DOI PMID]
- Iannello A, Rolla S, Maglione A, Ferrero G, Bardina V, Inaudi I, De Mercanti S, Novelli F, D'Antuono L, Cardaropoli S, Todros T, Turrini MV, Cordioli C, Puorro G, Marsili A, Lanzillo R, Brescia Morra V, Cordero F, De Bortoli M, Durelli L, Visconti A, Cutrupi S, Clerico M. (2018) Pregnancy Epigenetic Signature in T Helper 17 and T Regulatory Cells in Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers in immunology 9 3075 [DOI PMID]
- Kulkarni N, Alessandri L, Panero R, Arigoni M, Olivero M, Ferrero G, Cordero F, Beccuti M, Calogero RA. (2018) Reproducible bioinformatics project: a community for reproducible bioinformatics analysis pipelines. BMC bioinformatics 19(Suppl 10) 349 [DOI PMID]
- Allione A, Pardini B, Viberti C, Giribaldi G, Turini S, Di Gaetano C, Guarrera S, Cordero F, Oderda M, Allasia M, Gontero P, Sacerdote C, Vineis P, Matullo G. (2018) MMP23B expression and protein levels in blood and urine are associated with bladder cancer. Carcinogenesis 39(10) 1254-1263 [DOI PMID]
- Pardini B, Cordero F, Naccarati A, Viberti C, Birolo G, Oderda M, Di Gaetano C, Arigoni M, Martina F, Calogero RA, Sacerdote C, Gontero P, Vineis P, Matullo G. (2018) microRNA profiles in urine by next-generation sequencing can stratify bladder cancer subtypes. Oncotarget 9(29) 20658-20669 [DOI PMID]
- Coscujuela Tarrero L, Ferrero G, Miano V, De Intinis C, Ricci L, Arigoni M, Riccardo F, Annaratone L, Castellano I, Calogero RA, Beccuti M, Cordero F, De Bortoli M. (2018) Luminal breast cancer-specific circular RNAs uncovered by a novel tool for data analysis. Oncotarget 9(18) 14580-14596 [DOI PMID]
- Ferrero G, Cordero F, Tarallo S, Arigoni M, Riccardo F, Gallo G, Ronco G, Allasia M, Kulkarni N, Matullo G, Vineis P, Calogero RA, Pardini B, Naccarati A. (2018) Small non-coding RNA profiling in human biofluids and surrogate tissues from healthy individuals: description of the diverse and most represented species. Oncotarget 9(3) 3097-3111 [DOI PMID]
- Beccuti M, Genuardi E, Romano G, Monitillo L, Barbero D, Boccadoro M, Ladetto M, Calogero R, Ferrero S, Cordero F. (2017) HashClone: a new tool to quantify the minimal residual disease in B-cell lymphoma from deep sequencing data. BMC bioinformatics 18(1) 516 [DOI PMID]
- Beccuti M, Cordero F, Arigoni M, Panero R, Amparore EG, Donatelli S, Calogero RA. (2018) SeqBox: RNAseq/ChIPseq reproducible analysis on a consumer game computer. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 34(5) 871-872 [DOI PMID]
- Ferrero G, Miano V, Beccuti M, Balbo G, De Bortoli M, Cordero F. (2017) Dissecting the genomic activity of a transcriptional regulator by the integrative analysis of omics data. Scientific reports 7(1) 8564 [DOI PMID]
- Martina F, Beccuti M, Balbo G, Cordero F. (2017) Peculiar Genes Selection: A new features selection method to improve classification performances in imbalanced data sets. PloS one 12(8) e0177475 [DOI PMID]
Cellular and Molecular Biology - Bioinformatica (MFN0951)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica - Bioinformatica avanzata (MFN0394A)
Laurea magistrale in Biologia dell'Ambiente - Bioinformatics and Computational Models
PhD in Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine - Biologia dei sistemi (MNF1200)
Laurea magistrale in Biologia dell'Ambiente - ELABORAZIONE INFORMATICA DEI DATI SPERIMENTALI (MFN1306)
Corso di laurea in Scienze Biologiche (L-13) - ELEMENTI DI INFORMATICA (MFN1306A)
Corso di laurea in Scienze Biologiche (L-13) - Genomics and complexity in medicine
PhD Programme in Complex Systems for Life Sciences (until 35th cycle) - Genomics and complexity in medicine
Dottorato in Sistemi Complessi per le Scienze della Vita (fino al ciclo 35) - PhD Programme in Complex Systems for Life Sciences (until 35th cycle) - Lingua Inglese I (MFN0590)
Corso di laurea in Informatica - Lingua Inglese II (MFN0963)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica - Multi-omics and Data Science for Precision Medicine (ONC0260)
Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine and Healthcare - ONC0260C Data Science and AI approaches applied to multi-omics (ONC0260C)
Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine and Healthcare - SYSTEMS BIOLOGY (SVB0050)
Cellular and Molecular Biology - Sistemi complessi e bioinformatica avanzata (coorte 2010/2011) (MFN0394)
Laurea magistrale in Biologia dell'Ambiente
Research topics
Tutor per il Dottorato in Informatica
- Computational Biology;
- Cancer genomics and Epigenomics;
- Evolutionary Genomics and Modelling;
- Mathematical models for cancer progression and treatment response;
- High-throughput technologies: develop of algorithms to analyze Next-Generation Sequencing;
- Systems Biology;
Deep sequencing algorithms
I am interested in the definition of new algorithms and workflow with different purposes: deconvolution for assembly of new genomes, mapping, analysis of RNA-seq, microRNA, ChIP-seq, structural genomics variations detection etc. The results deriving from the application of these algorithms was applied in the genome sequencing project of Hordeum vulgare.
Application of mathematical approaches to oncology
I work on the study of cancer through the application of mathematical models. In particular, I am focus on a specific set of tumors whose growth and progression are influenced by a small subpopulation of cancer cells, known as Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs). I am interested in the study of tumor growth through a multi-level modeling approach considering the dynamics occurring among the different subpopulations of cells, and regulatory networks describing key cellular events in tumorigenesis. Moreover I investigate the application of model fitting techniques of cancer volume data and the integration of these data with the genomic and transcriptomic knowledge in the study of clonal and mutational evolution of cancer.
Systems Biology
Quantitative analysis and Reverse engineering of cellular systems
I work on the development of a methodology that allows to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of a selected portion of signal transduction events involved in angiogenesis process.
This approach is based on the use of Petri Nets (PN) and in some cases their variant called Stochastic Petri Nets (SPNs), that provide a detailed representation of the biological model. Moreover a simplification process is applied in order to obtain a model where the number of parameters is reduced and the analysis results tractable from the computational point of view.
Moreover I have worked on the development of a object-oriented methodology, based on the Mean Field Analysis, that offers an intuitive way to describe the behavior of biological systems characterized by a huge number of interacting objects.
Research groups
Research projects
- MICROBES-4-CLIMATE - Microbial services addressing climate change risks for biodiversity and for agricultural and forestry ecosystems: enabling curiosity-driven research and advancing frontier knowledge
- SUS-MIRRI.IT Strengthening the MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Bioscience and Bioeconomy
- TrustAlert: Empowering Public Health with Real-Time Insights and Future Preparedness
- The resilience of the Mediterranean sea to directional climate change: development of experimental and risk models to evaluate the resistance mechanism of different marine
- ONCOBIOME - Gut OncoMicrobiome Signatures (GOMS) associatedwith cancer incidence, prognosis and prediction of treatment response.
- Dipgate - Differential Private Data Gathering
- Biomarker-box: un sistema informatico
Activities in agenda
Academic bodies
Office hours
Previo appuntamento telefonico o via mail