- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
Introduction to Cell Biology
- Oggetto:
Introduction to Cell Biology
- Oggetto:
Academic year 2018/2019
- Teacher
- Prof. Alberto Puliafito (Lecturer)
- Modular course
- Year
- 1st year
- Teaching period
- NA
- Type
- NA
- Credits/Recognition
- 1
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- BIO/10 - biochemistry
- Delivery
- NA
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Obligatory
- Type of examination
- Oral
- Oggetto:
Sommario del corso
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Learning assessment methods
Each student will be required to prepare a short presentation (5 slides) on one of the topics presented (not necessarily the ones she/he picked for reading). Details will be communicated during lectures.
- Oggetto:
The course is structured around 10 hours of teaching plus two dedicated to assessment. Due to its extreme brevity I have chosen to cover only a few selected topics:
- Visualizing cells to get insights into tissue homeostasis
- Cell signaling and collective migration
- Stem cells and population dynamics in cancer
- Directional migration and lymphocyte homing to cancer cells
The course will give priority to the understanding of the basic principles underlying these 4 topics and to focus on modern experimental techniques that can help perform measurements on such phenomena. Particular attention will be devoted to the development of a common sense for numbers in cell biology , i.e. the estimation of duration, rates, physical dimensions, etc...
Each topic will be examined by considering one scientific article along with a more general review on the topic. You will have to read in advance at least 2 of the 4 proposed papers and reviews and propose a list of questions that will help the teacher to shape the lectures around the interests and needs of the students.
Questions should necessarily be of general interest (what is meant by differentiation? What is a transcriptional profile? What is fluorescence microscopy?) and more detailed depending on your research interests and curiosity. For obvious reasons, each paper should be picked by at least one of you.
Each topic will therefore be covered in 2.5 hours of lectures, which will be roughly subdivided into 1h general introduction of the problem, 1h experimental paradigms faced by the paper and 10 min discussion.
Timetable and Deadlines:
The course Introduction to Cell Biology will take place on:
15: h 9.30-12 Aula Rossa
17: h 9.30-12 Aula Rossa
20: h 10-12.30 Aula Verde
24: h 9.30-12 Aula Arancione
March 3rd: h 9.30-12 final exam and student presentation Aula Rossa
Deadlines: send out questions at least 3 days in advance with respect to each corresponding lecture.
Suggested readings and bibliography
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