Dott.ssa Gianna Pavarino
- 502210
- Phd: 37th cycle
- Department of Neurosciences "Rita Levi Montalcini"
- Matriculation number: 840762
- Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO)
Regione Gonzole, 10
10043 Orbassano (TO) -
- VCard contacts
- QRcode contacts
Ferdinando Di CuntoAlessandro Vercelli
Phd thesis
The biological effects of “green-therapy” on Major Depressive Disorder
Research activities
- Education
- Other training and certificates
- Previous research and professional positions
- Published Congress Proceedings
- Science communication
- Organizational activities
- Workshop held
- Language skills
- Hard and soft skills
• 14/10/2021
Master’s Degree in Molecular Biotechnology
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
University of Turin, Italy.
Grade: 110 cum laude and special mention
Title of Master’s Degree Thesis: The study of mitochondrial dysfunctions in the pathogenesis of SMA revealed mACO2 as a possible marker of the disease
Supervisor of Master’s Degree Thesis: Prof. Alessandro Vercelli
Co-supervisor of Master’s Degree Thesis: Serena Stanga, PhD
• 23/07/2019
Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology
Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Molecolari e Scienze per la Salute
University of Turin, Italy.
Grade: 110 cum laude
Title of Bachelor’s Degree Thesis: Il ruolo dell’agrina nella formazione e nel mantenimento della giunzione neuromuscolare e nella SMA
Supervisor of Bachelor’s Degree Thesis: Prof. Alessandro Vercelli
Co-supervisor of Bachelor’s Degree Thesis: Serena Stanga, PhD
• 19/02/2024
“Percorso formativo per funzione A Moduli 3.2 Biologia di Base - 6.2 Eutanasia - 8 Procedure minimamente invasive senza anestesia. Specie topo e ratto”
Charles River Italia, Calco (LC), Italy.
• 11/2022
“Legislazione nazionale ed etica livello 1, moduli 1 e 2, DM 5 agosto 2021” and “Biologia e gestione degli animali da laboratorio, moduli 3.1, 4, 5, 6.1, 7. DM 5 agosto 2021 roditori e lagomorfi”
2 IZSLER online training events.
• 01/06 - 23/09/2022
“Bibliography and bibliometrics like pros. Stay up to date and Develop Literature Syntheses in the Biomedical Domain.”
University of Turin, Italy.
• 03 - 07/2022
“Corso di Formazione Generale alla Salute e Sicurezza per I Lavoratori art. 37 del D. Lgs. 81/08)” and “Corso di formazione in materia di Igiene e sicurezza – Rischio Alto in area sanitaria – Settore Ateco 2007 Q 86 – (D. Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i.)”
• 2022
“Percorso formativo 24 CFU”
University of Turin, Italy.
• 20-22/03/2019
“Training course of persons carrying out animal experiments”
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (“NICO”), Orbassano, Italy.
• 2013
European Computer Driving Licence (“ECDL”) Certificate
Liceo Scientifico “L. Cocito”, Alba (CN), Italy
• 01/01/2022 – present
PhD student in Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine
PhD Programme 37th cycle – PON
PhD project: The biological effects of “green-therapy” on Major Depressive Disorder
Supervisor of PhD project: Prof. Alessandro Vercelli, Prof. Ferdinando Di Cunto
Co-suprvisor of PhD project: Prof. Marina Boido
University of Turin, Italy.
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (“NICO”), Orbassano, Italy.
• 19/07/2021 – 22/011/2021
Postgraduate research fellowship at Prof. Alessandro Vercelli’s “Brain development and disease” research group in collaboration with Telethon
Telethon Grants Project Title: The role of SMN protein in translation: implications for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
PI: Prof. Marina Boido
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (“NICO”), Orbassano, Italy.
• 11/2018 – 05/2021
Curricular stage
Prof. Alessandro Vercelli’s “Brain development and disease” research group
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (“NICO”), Orbassano, Italy.
During these 2 years and a half, I learnt specific techniques applied to neuroscience, both in animal models of neurodegeneration (in particular spinal muscular atrophy) and in primary cells derived from both mice and human patients.
• 18-20/01/2016
Training stage
Fondazione Golinelli at “Science in pratica” lab, Bologna, Italy.
I approached to basic biotechnological techniques performing the following experiments: GFP gene cloning, GFP protein purification and DNA fingerprinting.
• 08-27/06/2015
Training and orientation stage
Istituto Istruzione Superiore “Umberto I” Azienda Speciale Laboratorio Chimico,
Alba, Italy.
I performed chemical analyses, which are used to issue certificates of analysis for the control and export of grapevine products.
• 02/05/2023
I was awarded with “The best ESN poster award, first place” for the best poster presentation “Health benefits of living in close proximity to greenery: preliminary results on depression” during the congress ENCODS 2023. May, 1-2 2023, Faro, Portugal.
• AYs: 2020/2021; 2019/2020; 2018/2019; 2017/2018; 2016/2017
In 2016, I won the “Fondazione Piera Pietro e Giovanni Ferrero”’s scholarship (Ferrero S.p.A., Alba, Italy) for both the merit due to the final grade I obtained in the Bilingual Scientific Baccalaureate, and for having passed a selection of specific exams. In the following years, I managed to respect the high standards required for the scholarship; therefore, I received the prize for the entire academic career (5 years) at the University of Turin, Italy.
• Pavarino G, Stanga S, Zummo PF, Vercelli A, Boido M.
“Mitochondrial dysfunctions in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: mitochondrial aconitase as a potential biomarker of the disease”.
5th Brainstorming Research Assemply for Young Neuroscientists (BraYn).
Roma, Italy - September 28-30, 2022
PROCEEDING: Book of Abstracts BraYn 2022; page 232
• Pavarino G, Zummo PF, Stanga S, Vercelli A, Boido M.
“The study of mitochondrial morpho-functional dysfunctions in the pathogenesis of spinal muscular atrophy reveales mitochondrial aconitase as a possible biomarker of the disease”.
94th National Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Biology.
Torino, Italy - April 06-09, 2022
PROCEEDING: Journal of Biological Research 2022; volume 95:(s1); page 41
• Stanga S, Pavarino G, Monteleone F, Pergolizzi B, Boido M, Vercelli A.
“Mitochondrial alterations in spinal muscular atrophy”.
93rd National Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Biology.
Palermo, Italy - April 22-25, 2021
European Journal of Histochemistry 2020; vol. 64; supplement 3; page 7
• Stanga S, Pavarino G, Monteleone F, Pergolizzi B, Boido M, Vercelli A.
“Mitochondrial alterations in spinal muscular atrophy”.
30th National Conference of the Italian Group for the Study of Neuromorphology “Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Neuromorfologia” G.I.S.N.
University of Turin, Torino (Virtual Event), Italy - November 12-14, 2020
Journal of Biological Research 2021; volume 94:(s1); page 26
• Poster presenter: Pavarino G, Brasso C, Schellino R, Carluccio A, Cirulli F, Boido M, Rocca P, Vercelli A. “The biological effects of “green-therapy” on MDD”.
“FENS Forum 2024”
Vienna, Austria - June 25-29, 2024.
• Poster presenter: Pavarino G, Brasso C, Schellino R, Carluccio A, Cirulli F, Boido M, Rocca P, Vercelli A. “The biological role of “green-therapy” on MDD”.
“MorFuture: gli studi di morfologia tra radizione e innovazione”.
Turin, Italy - April 12-13, 2024.
• Poster presenter: Pavarino G, Brasso C, Schellino R, Carluccio A, Baire S, Signorino E, Boido M, Rocca P, Vercelli A. “The biological role of “green-therapy”: a study on depressed patients”.
“The 20th National Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience (SINS 2023)”.
Turin, Italy - September 15-17, 2023.
• Poster presenter: Pavarino G, Brasso C, Schellino R, Carluccio A, Baire S, Signorino E, Boido M, Rocca P, Vercelli A. “The biological role of “green-therapy”: a study on depressed patients”.
“SINS National Meeting of PhD Students in Neuroscience 2023”.
Turin, Italy - September 15, 2023.
• Poster presenter: Pavarino G, Brasso C, Schellino R, Carluccio A, Baire S, Signorino E, Boido M, Rocca P, Vercelli A. “Health benefits of living in close proximity to greenery: preliminary results on depression”.
“ENCODS 2023”.
Faro, Portugal - May 1-2, 2023.
• Poster presenter: Mezzanotte M*, Pavarino G*, Stanga S, Vercelli A, Boido M. “Aconitase inactivation and iron perturbation in the spinal cord of SMAΔ7 mouse model”.
“Motor Neuron Diseases: understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms to develop therapies (2nd edition)”.
Turin, Italy - November 4-5, 2022
• Poster presenter: Pavarino G, Stanga S, Zummo PF, Vercelli A, Boido M. “Mitochondrial dysfunctions in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: mitochondrial aconitase as a potential biomarker of the disease”.
“5th Brainstorming Research Assemply for Young Neuroscientists (BraYn)”.
Rome, Italy - September 28-30, 2022
• Poster presenter: Pavarino G*, Zummo PF*, Stanga S, Vercelli A, Boido M. “The study of mitochondrial morpho-functional dysfunctions in the pathogenesis of spinal muscular atrophy reveales mitochondrial aconitase as a possible biomarker of the disease”.
“94th National Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Biology”.
Turin, Italy - April 06-09, 2022
• 18/05/2023
Dissemination of my PhD project during the dissemination event "Ricercatori alla Spina - Brain edition", with the presentation of the scientific menu "Il cervello in un bosco". Turin, Italy.
• 01/10/2022
Poster presenter at the dissemination event “U*NIGHT - La Notte Europea dei Ricercatori e delle Ricercatrici 2022 The Green Brain: un “Caffe Scientifico” per comprendere l’impatto di alimenti e inquinanti ambientali sulla salute del nostro cervello”. Turin, Italy.
• 04-05/11/2022
Local organizing committee at Motor Neuron Diseases: understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms to develop therapies (2nd edition).
Turin, Italy
• 06-09/04/2022
Local organizing committee at 94th National Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Biology.
Turin, Italy
• 04-05/11/2022
Practical workshop on how to use MiNA (Mitochondrial Network Analysis) plugin of ImageJ at NICO held the 2nd day of the Motor Neuron Diseases: understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms to develop therapies (2nd edition).
Turin, Italy
• Native speaker: Italian
• Other languages: English (very good/B2)
First Certificate in English
Liceo Scientifico “L. Cocito”, Alba (CN), Italy
French (basic/A2)
Diplôme d’études en langue française Delf A2
Scuola Secondaria di 1° Grado “Macrino”, Alba (CN), Italy
During all my years of working at Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (“NICO”), I acquired some skills strictly related to my work such as:
- MOUSE HANDLING: mouse breeding, genotyping, behavioural tests, mouse basic and appropriate biology, mouse and rat humane methods of killing, mouse and rat minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia, mouse primary cell culture (embryonic fibroblasts), mouse organs’ (brain, spinal cord, muscles, liver, kidney, heart) isolation.
- BIOCHEMICAL AND CELL BIOLOGY TECHNIQUES: cell culture (Fibroblasts, C2C12, hiPSCs), mitochondria extraction from cells and tissues, immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, cytofluorimetric analysis (FACS).
- MOLECULAR BIOLOGY TECHNIQUES: protein and RNA extraction, RNA retro-transcription, western blotting, quantitative real time-PCR, ELISA.
- DATA ANALYSIS AND SOFTWARES: data analysis, statistics, problem-solving, cognitive fluidity, abstract reasoning, Image J, MiNA, Image Lab, Office Pack, GraphPad Prism, Bio-Rad iQ5.
Since I was 6 years old and I began the primary school, I started the acquisition of a series of soft skills. I have very good communication and organizational skills; I am able to work in a team or independently. I am a reliable, punctual, hard-working, enthusiast and motivated young researcher.
During all these years, thanks also to the sport that I have always practiced at a competitive level, I have learned to be competitive and to organize my time, which has always helped me at school and at work.